Here you will find a variety of tools and resources designed to support you and the programs you provide.
Programs and Services
Alabama Early Childhood Education Conference
The Alabama Early Childhood Education Conference will be October 28-30 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Save the date and check back for more details.
Challenging Behaviors
This new technical assistance will be offered to classrooms statewide through an application process to receive strategies to prevent and intervene with challenging behaviors when they arise.
Workforce Development
Building a workforce that is diverse, professionalized, well-trained, and ready to meet the demand for high quality early care and education programs and services.
First Class Pre-K
Alabama First Class Pre-K offers 4-year-olds access to high-quality prekindergarten programs in their communities.
First Teacher Home Visiting for Educators
First Teacher Home Visiting is a voluntary, free home visiting program that provides support to caregivers of young children from prenatal to age 5.
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health for Educators
The early years of a child’s life are critically important for learning and development as the early years are among the most sensitive periods for brain development.
Pre-K – 3rd Grade Early Learning
The Alabama Pre-K–3rd Grade Integrated Approach to Early Learning began in 2017 supporting 35 classrooms in 5 districts funded by Governor Ivey’s Strong Start Strong Finish initiative.
Professional Development
Alabama Reflective Coaching (ARC) is anchored from Rush and Shelden’s (2005) evidenced based definition that focuses on (a) identifying what we do as an adult learning strategy; (b) where the coach promotes the learner’s ability to reflect on his or her actions as a means to determine the effectiveness of an action or practice; and (c) develops a plan for refinement and use of the action in immediate and future situations.